New Brand Identity REV3AL

3 min readDec 15, 2022


We are thrilled to announce the launch of our new brand identity!

As we move further through our technology roadmap, and our growth as a company, we have decided to update our look. This new style better reflects our up-to-date business model, and our vision to provide dynamic security solutions for the web3 space.

The new icon ‘R3’ represents many things. The R in our name, the 3 core pillars of our value proposition, and the 360-degree approach we are taking to protection in our industry. It better conveys the sophistication and professionalism we intend to deliver and that is critical in our field of cybersecurity. We’re excited to make this a recognized and respected mark of safety and authenticity in our industry.

3 Core Pillars of Our Value Proposition

Congratulations, Treasure Hunter! Click this link to claim your NFT!

Our website has also been revamped to include highlights of our updated product suite, the latest news, content about REV3AL, and easy access to our dApp. In the future, we’ll be adding access to our NFT Marketplace, Security Portal, and Avatar Creator as well.

We’re committed to not only innovating in the development of our products but also in how we communicate with our community. We look forward to driving more value for our customers and partners as we strive to bring enhanced security and protection to web3.

As always, we appreciate our community and their ongoing support and feedback. “Thank you, for being a part of the REV3AL team!”

What is REV3AL?

REV3AL provides dynamic and multi-layered authentication and security solutions tailored for Web3 & the Metaverse space. Centered around its patent-pending encrypted marker technology, REV3AL helps creators, brands, and IP owners protect the authenticity of digital media solving a critical need for assets such as NFTs and In-Game items by providing authentication at the point of creation.

This will soon be followed by a dynamic suite of security products designed to protect users and their experience in the digital future economy and to evolve to meet the security demands of this exciting new digital frontier.





All Will Be REV3ALed!




REV3AL Digital Copyright Protection & Anti-Counterfeit Technology protects artists, creators, and owners of Intellectual Property across the digital spectrum.