REV3AL — Pioneering Security in Everything Web3

4 min readAug 4, 2022


We envision a world where we are all connected, where the currency is decentralized and the opportunities to both work and play are endless as the metaverse becomes second nature to use, much like the internet is today. In a world where VR, AR, and MR are widely used and adopted, we see a future where our daily lives are amplified and augmented through the use of next-generation technology.

We believe this world of experiences is fast approaching, and we at REV3AL aim to provide security, protection, and ultimately peace of mind to a whole new user community.

With that goal firmly in mind, we are developing software for the entire industry to use that will solve the real problems we face now and in the future.

Simply put…we are skating to where the puck is heading and we are building a network of industry partners who follow the same approach and also believe in collaboration.

In this week’s REV3AL Twitter Spaces our topics were NFTs, Crypto, & Web3 and we discussed “What’s next?” in the industry. Our special guest speakers were Alex Nase, The Director of Business Development for TCG World, and Nick Odio, The Executive Vice President of Partnerships and Growth for Ferrum Network.

Part of our discussion focused on certain aspects of technology that need to advance in order for Web3 to gain mass appeal and mass adoption, and the primary focus for the technology sector is a need to provide interoperability in Web3 that allows different information systems to talk to each other. Our partner, Nick Odio at Ferrum Network calls the Web3 version of interoperability, Interoperability 2.0 and will include:

  • Multi-chain token standards
  • Multi-chain NFTs
  • Metaverses that can exist on multiple networks, and
  • Multi-chain dApps

Nick went on to say that “Interoperability 2.0 will have these applications exist not only on one chain but on multiple chains and then the industry will be able to leverage the value propositions and USPs of the different networks. You’d get the speed of Solana with the security of Ethereum. I think that is when we’re really going to see robust dApps being built — when we realize this multi-chain future.”

When Mo Kumarsi, REV3AL’s CEO asked, “What issues do you see on the tech or development side of the industry, and are there any bottlenecks that are created because of those issues?” Nick had some fascinating insight.

In particular, some interesting talking points regarding collaboration in the Web3 space, noting that bottlenecks in development exist in part due to the lack of standardized education of developers in the space, but also in part due to the fragmentation and silent nature of the different networks. Specifically, Nick stated, “There hasn’t really been a so-called NodeJS that existed for Web2 that exists for Web3, and essentially we need a way to compile all these different languages into a way to deploy smart contracts across different networks within the same environment.”

With the theme clearly being one of fragmentation, this is the same issue our team is attempting to solve on the security side of this space as we are developing a way for standardized security to work across different networks and platforms.

Changpeng Zhao, The CEO of Binance, tweeted a similar sentiment yesterday when he said “We need less divide in the world. More building.” and we agree.

While his statement can be attributed to the socio-economic or political nature of the world it also rings true for the Web3 space, as we need increased collaboration with more teams building together to advance the industry. A shift in mindset is required that encourages partnership and this will be a key step that will lead toward mass adoption of Web3. In short, to accomplish the challenges we face in the industry today, we must all adapt and learn to work together.

REV3AL — Pioneering Security in Everything Web3

In the security world, of course, there are some things that have to be kept behind locked doors, but our approach is to collaborate with as many partners as we can and this helps drive our development. Each partner has different problems to solve and communities to serve and we are working on building security into every aspect of NFTs, the metaverse, and all that the digital world encompasses. That, we believe, is what’s needed not only now but into the future to make sure end users have the same high level of security and protection for everything in their portfolio regardless of where they obtained it. There needs to be a standard for security in Web3 that is viewed as THE trusted source for protection for all that interact with the digital ecosphere. The team at REV3AL is working hard to be that trusted source.





REV3AL Digital Copyright Protection & Anti-Counterfeit Technology protects artists, creators, and owners of Intellectual Property across the digital spectrum.