V2 for $REV3L — A Special Announcement for $REV3L Token Holders

3 min readSep 29, 2022


Our team has a very important announcement to make: with the assistance of our strategic partners at DRIVENecosystem, we are delighted to announce that we will be migrating to a new & improved token smart contract today, which will feature many new changes.

The migration will be fully automatic, which means that no action on the part of holders is required; your tokens will appear in your wallet as soon as you add the new smart contract address to the wallet, and the number of tokens and the USD value will be the same as it was before taking a snapshot of all holders. For KuCoin holders, migration will also take place automatically and will be handled by the KuCoin team.

The smart contract address and exact time of migration will not be revealed ahead of time; instead, we will release the announcements after the new contract is fully operational and trading on all platforms has resumed. This is primarily for security purposes, to protect our community from potential bad actors that would be attempting to simulate our token, the contract, or staking/vesting accounts.

All token holders who have staked their tokens will receive their tokens on the V2 contract directly in their wallet rather than in the staking pool, as our new smart contract will have staking built directly into the token, eliminating the need for additional staking contracts to earn tokens passively.

$REV3L Token V2 Features List

  • Our new contract includes several new security features, one of which is called Reentrancy Guard, and it will entirely protect us against the reentrancy exploit, which has recently been utilized on several popular projects and caused significant loss and damage to investors in those exploited projects.
  • Our new contract will offer cross-chain ability, which ensures that contracts are activated sequentially on various blockchains, first to the sender’s contract, then to the recipient’s contract.
  • Our new contract will have a feature that allows users to auto-report their accounts if they are compromised, which exponentially increases the odds of potentially getting any compromised $REV3L tokens back, and getting them back in a timely manner.
  • The DRIVENecosystem team will be in charge of answering any questions that holders may have, therefore one of their representatives will be present to ensure that no one is concerned about the procedure that will take place.
  • We will be integrating new staking opportunities and introducing them to our community throughout the month of October. Initially, this will be in the form of “Liquid Staking” allowing token holders to stake and keep $REV3L tokens in their wallet! More to come on this front, stay tuned!

Important Note for Holders of $REV3L

A snapshot of the current wallets is being taken soon so please do not move or trade your tokens in the next 24 hours as we will be closely monitoring the active wallets list. If you exchange your tokens, prior to the snapshot, your wallet will not be included in the migration and you will not have your tokens migrated to the V2 smart contract.




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